Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back in the Art Barn

It's been a while since we've been able to talk and see each other's work, so Amber and I thought of starting a blog.  We can use this space to post images of our art and give feedback, or just talk and rant about anything.  So what's everyone been up to?


  1. Hey guys!!!!!! I miss you all, it's super lonely working away late nights without the old crew to chat with (although i DO have an awesome chow/basset hound named Melba Toast Marmalade now!). I'll post up on here soon and send off some comments. Good to hear from you all,


  2. Great! I'm so glad to hear from you micah!
    What's your e-mail so I can invite you to be an author for the blog?

    Oh yeah and btw last summer at the flea market by the school there was a vendor selling your painting-the masonite one of the creepy smiling doll you made for the lesson you taught in january. Can you believe it?!

  3. Hey Colleen! I'm soooo psyched on this arts barn blog!!! woo!

    What! That's really weird...I didn't even know that I had left that at the school. That's really strange that someone else was selling that. Not only do i hate that painting but it feels somehow SUPER invasive and violating that someone else snatched it and was trying to sell it. weird.

    anyways, glad to be part of the blog!

  4. haha wow micah! I cannot express how delighted it makes me that you chose THAT for your picture! Awesome.

    And I agree with you about the weird flea market vendor, especially since you were even giving away prints at your opening. It totally goes against what you expressed with your Div 3 work. When I told him I knew you, he said I could have it for free. Guess he felt like he'd been caught!

